Welcome to JJs Journal pages at ClovisAntiques.com. As an antique dealer at Clovis Antique Mall, I’ve had the opportunity to collect all manner of vintage ephemera, antique books, trinkets and baubles. All those old books, magazines, letters and postcards, broken bits of jewelry, and odd trinkets that I just couldn’t bear to toss out started filling up my storage quicker than you can imagine. When I came across the concept of junk journals, it was just the outlet I needed to use these awesome pieces of history. For me, making these journals is therapeutic and far more rewarding than spending my time in front of a screen watching TV, playing games or perusing social media. Whether you choose one of my Premium Journals, fully embellished and ready for you or a loved one to jump right in, or a Basic or Bare Bones version to embellish and customize in your own way, you’ll be sure to enjoy the end result… a place to record your thoughts and memories, and to store personal treasures for years to come.
If you’re curious about Junk Journals, what they are and how they’re used, check out my ‘Now What’ page.